Vintage microphone  and headphones with signboard on air. Broadcasting radio station concept. 3d illustration

about us

Our journey began as music enthusiasts in 2020, driven by our passion for discovering and sharing the finest new music, particularly from independent artists. Originating as a playlist brand called De Music, our focus was on supporting emerging talents and amplifying their work to reach broader audiences. Trusted by all the major pitching platforms worldwide such as Submithub, Groover, Sound Campaign, Daily Playlists, Un:hurd, and many more, our mission was to create a platform where artists could shine while bringing captivating songs to music lovers globally.

Expanding on this successful journey, we proudly introduce De Vibe Radio as the natural evolution of our project. 

By curating top-quality music across various genres, with a primary focus on Greek music, and also Jazz, Soul, Indie, and more, we're not only providing listeners with a rich musical experience but also fostering a sense of connection and unity through the universal language of music.

Join us as we continue this musical odyssey, expanding from playlist curation to an immersive radio experience. Stay tuned, engage with our dynamic community, and be part of our shared celebration of music's impactful nature!